Have you heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking”? Sadly it’s true!
When you sit for long periods of time, your body goes into “storage mode” and can even make your bottom bigger. We move 90 percent less than our ancestors did 100 years ago. Sitting in front of the TV isn’t the only health concern. Any prolonged sitting, such as behind a desk or behind the wheel, can be harmful. Below are 4 stretches that can help if you sit all day.
Research shows that people who sit six hours or longer can experience a number of health concerns, including increased blood pressure, high blood sugar and abnormal cholesterol levels. This isn’t to scare you, it’s to educate and help you.
Prolonged sitting also has a negative physical effect on our bodies. Tight muscles surrounding the hip joint can cause pain and discomfort in the hips and lower spine. Tight hip flexors—can cause the pelvis to tilt forward, while tight abductors—can cause the thighs to rotate outward and put pressure on the knees and low back. Our bodies were not meant to sit and be still all day long, but the good news is prolonged sitting isn’t hard to counteract.
“Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.“ – Dr. James Levine, director of the Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative and inventor of the treadmill desk.
Levine is credited with coining the phrase — “sitting is the new smoking“.
The solution is less sitting and more overall activity. Some suggestions for work: use a standing desk or a treadmill desk, holding walking meetings, take frequent standing breaks, stretching and/or walk for a bit every 60 minutes, stand while talking on the phone and while eating lunch, and last but not least, take the stairs. Elevators should be off limits unless you’re carrying something heavy.
As we sit our muscles get tighter and our shoulders start to roll forward. Below are 4 stretches you can start doing today that will help you feel better and release tension in your body.
1. Heart-to-Heaven
Clasp hands behind your back. Gently lift arms up, moving hands away from your back. Once you feel a strong stretch across the chest and front of the shoulders, stop and hold for 30 seconds. Relax and do not strain the neck, and focus on your breathing. This stretches the shoulders and chest.
2. Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Begin in a single-leg kneeling position with the right foot in front and kneeling on the left knee. Maintain a neutral spine and contract the left glue to stretch the left hip flexor. If you’re able, deepen this stretch by gradually shifting the hips forward an inch. Hold for 30 seconds while focusing on your breathing and switch sides.
3. Cat and Cow
Place your hands and knees on a mat so your shoulders are stacked over your wrists and your hips are over your knees. Turn your thumbs outward until your fingertips face your toes. Exhale as you arch your back and look up toward the ceiling in cow pose. Then, inhale as you curve your spine and bring your gaze back down to complete cat pose. Continue alternating between cat and cow, holding each position for as long as you’d like. This stretches the neck, shoulders, and back.
4. Lower Back Stretch
Begin on your back with your feet on the floor and knees toward the ceiling, with the arms extended out to the sides of the body, palms facing up. Cross the right leg over the left leg and slowly lower both legs to the left, holding this position for 30 seconds. Keeping the legs crossed, slowly move the legs to the center and then lower the legs to the left. Again, hold this position for 30 seconds. Cross the left leg over the right and repeat.
Whether you are active or sit at a desk, these stretches are good for anyone in need of loosening up the neck, chest, low back, and hips. These stretches should be performed for a minimum of two sets, holding each stretch for 30 seconds.
Get up, move more, and stretch to help you be the best you!
Shine On,
P.S. Do this quick desk workout today to start or stay active.