Since the month of April and attending the Restoring Lives International (RLI) Conference, I look at my fitness business differently. Do I think I am doing what I was put on this earth to do? Yes, to a point, but I have always felt like there was more expected of me. After the conference, I now know what that is:
My passion is to know the desires of women’s hearts in order to speak God’s truth into them so they are able to fulfill their purpose and their desires.
After being in the fitness industry for over 17 years, I have found few people that are living what they were put on this earth to do. Very few of us know what that purpose is. There isn’t a lot of joy when we are not pursuing our destiny. I believe that if we knew what our purpose was, we would not compare ourselves as much to others which, in turn, would give us more joy (remember…comparison is the thief to joy).
My objectives were to work on education, blogging, enjoying the fun, asking for help, work smarter and enjoy the now.
The education came in a different form than my regular fitness education. This time the education was on issues we have (bitterness, accusations, envy and jealousy, rejection, occultism, unloving, addictions and fear) and how they affect us and our health.
As you can see, I am behind in my blogging but I am working at making this more important and trying to enjoy the process. I have never been comfortable writing, but I am now and I have things to say. 🙂
I am enjoying what I do even more knowing that it is not my responsibility to “fix” or “save” people. I can listen, love and give nuggets of information if requested, but only God can save us. I have always wanted everyone to be filled with love, joy and peace…things that would bring everyone so much energy and happiness.
I am working on humbling myself (daily challenge) and trying to be the student more. Asking others for input, ideas or help when needed. Trying to listen more and talk less (hence the reason we have two ears and one mouth).
Working smarter is a challenge. I can get easily distracted with so many things to do around the house, social media, emails, etc. that I do not always get to the things that I would like to or that are more important. This will be a work-in-progress for me.
Am I enjoying the now? Where I am at this moment? Yes, I am learning to.. I am realizing we all go through different seasons. I don’t have to like each season, but I can find joy and learn in each season. My current season consists of slower mornings, reading, writing, being still more, less intense workouts, etc. This is the opposite of what I have become accustomed to and what I have enjoyed. It is taking me time to adjust (I am still adjusting), but I am finding contentment and peace in it.
I guess the most important thing that I have learned is that women seek me out to lose weight in order to be healthier, stronger, have more energy and to feel more confident. But experience has shown me just losing the weight is never enough. If I can help them with their emotional battle, their core beliefs about themselves, the lies they have been told and help them really learn to love themselves, then true success will happen. Weight loss will take place, true health will come, energy will be regained, and peace and joy will fill them up. How can you really love others if you aren’t loving yourself?
Complete health is not just physical…it is mental and spiritual as well.
Enjoy the season you are in and learn as much as you can from it.
I would love to hear how your journey is going with your health, goals, work, God, etc.
Wishing you complete health now and always.
Thanks for reading,
P.S. Want to start your own project? It is never too late. Purchase The Happiness Project here.
Click here to start at the beginning of my 2012 Journey.