Many of us find it hard to stay motivated to exercise. We know we need to, but we put it off for tomorrow, or next week, or longer. It’s hard to hold yourself accountable. If you don’t have a personal trainer then this is when you call a friend or neighbor. That’s right, grab a buddy. Who knows, that person may need you for the very same reason. There are many benefits of working out with a buddy, below are just a few.
1. Motivates and supports you
2. Working out becomes fun
3. Quality time with your buddy
4. Little competition helps you perform better
5. Easier to try new workouts
6. Increases commitment
Buddy Workout:
1. Partner push-ups
2. Crunch with ball pass
3. Medicine ball chest toss
4. Squats and rows with resistance tubing
5. Biceps curls with resistance tubing
6. Chest press with resistance tubing
7. Chest flies with resistance tubing
8. Tricep kickbacks with resistance tubing
9. V-sit partner rotations with medicine ball
10. Overhead medicine ball throw
Do each exercise for a minute. Rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat 1-2 times.
Watch NBC15 segment here:
Do you workout alone? Are you looking for a workout partner? What do you look for in a workout partner? Let me know in the
comments below!
Shine Brightly,