Here are 6 core exercises using a medicine ball to help you tone, strengthen, and add variety to your current ab routine.
Workouts are more fun when you vary your routine. Challenging your body in new ways helps it grow and change. A medicine ball allows greater versatility and range of motion because it can be throw in the air, at the ground, or tossed. You can use it all on your own or with a partner. A big benefit of using a medicine ball is the focus on multiple muscle groups working together (aka bigger bang for your buck)!
A medicine ball is easy-to-use, is a low-cost fitness tool, and serves many purposes.
Based on your size and strength, select a medicine ball between 4 and 15 pounds (medicine balls come in a variety of weights from 2-25 pounds).
Make sure the weight you select does not compromise your form.
1. Wood Chop (10 ea. side)
2. Russian Twist (10 ea. side)
3. Arms Up Reverse Crunch (10 repetitions)
4. Alternating Jack Knife (10 ea. side)
5. Feet Up Reach Ups (10 repetitions)
6. Plank Variations (hold, leg lifts, knee tucks, etc. – hold 30 seconds or 10 leg lifts ea. side or 10 knee tucks ea. side)
Do one set and see how you feel. As you get stronger work your way up to 3 sets of each exercise with a 45-60 second rest between each set.
As you get stronger grab a heavier medicine ball to make it more challenging. Another great way to challenge yourself is to see how fast you can get through the exercises (while having great form of course). On your second set or the next time you perform the exercises, try to beat your time.
As always, let me know your thoughts. What are some of your favorite core exercises?
Have fun with it and let me know how it goes.
Shine Brightly,
P.S. If you are interested in medicine ball workouts, you might also want to try this full body workout.