Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a complex disorder in which the intestines lose their ability to efficiently move their contents. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, headaches, fatigue, depression, anxiety, bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation.
Can you imagine having stomach pain, constipation and fatigue most of the time? That was my experience before finding acupuncture. Healing my gut with herbal remedies, changing my diet, working on managing stress and regular acupuncture appointments has helped tremendously.
1. Herbal Remedies: The herbal remedies have helped heal my gut and taking digestive enzymes before every meal to help breakdown your food is essential.
2. Diet: Cutting out alcohol, sugar and caffeine was huge. Finding out what allergies I had to different foods and not overeating was also very beneficial.
3. Stress: If you do not manage your stress it will show up somewhere in your body and not in a good way. If there is something you need to deal with, please do so immediately!
4. Acupuncture: Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can offer a clear picture of the root imbalances that lead to IBS. They will help you discover what organ systems are involved and remedy it.
I highly recommend acupuncture if you are suffering from IBS.
Have you ever suffered from IBS? If so, what have you done for it?