7 things to STOP doing to be healthier and happier, whose in?
Are you struggling with being healthy mentally, physically or spiritually? Is being happy on a daily basis a challenge? If yes is your answer to either of these questions, maybe it’s time to start looking at what’s eating you instead of what you’re eating or doing for exercise.
If we want to change our actions, we need to change our feelings, if we want to change our feelings we need to change our thoughts. Everything we think is not true. Stop the stink’n think’n with getting rid of these 7 things in your life so you can enjoy a healthier and happier life.
1. Negative self-talk
2. Being a people pleaser
3. “Shoulding” yourself
4. Expecting perfection
5. Comparing yourself to others
6. Caring what other people think
7. Saying “yes” when you want to say “no”
Which one do you struggle with the most? What about it makes it so challenging for you? What steps can you take to overcome it? Who can be your weekly accountability partner and hold you accountable on this?
Suggestion – pick the one that you struggle with the most and make this month the month you work on it. If it is a big struggle, work on it for three months. Or, start at the top of the list and work on one each month. You might be surprised at how much healthier and happier you are in 7 months. The 7 months is going to come whether you do this or not so what do you have to lose?
Which one is your greatest challenge? How did you overcome it? My readers and I would love to hear how your wellness journey is going for you – mental, physical, or spiritual. Feel free to share the highs, the lows and in-betweens. As always, thank you for reading and enjoy your journey.
Shine Brightly,