Stretches for your Quadriceps
Wednesday, October 17 2012
by Ali McWilliams
Importance of stretches for your quadriceps : -Flexible muscles are not as easily injured as tight muscles. -Tightness of muscles connected to your knee can pull your knee out of alignment. Stretches: 1. Standing, Side or Stomach Quad Stretch 2. Kneeling Quad Stretch 3. Hurdler’s Quad Stretch Hold each stretch for 30 seconds. To view these stretches
- Published in Body
Stretches for your Hamstrings
Tuesday, August 14 2012
by Ali McWilliams
Why should I stretch? 1. Less likely to get injured. 2. Greater range of motion which may enhance performance. 3. Enhances movement, so you are more mobile. Why are hamstrings tight? 1. Glutes are weak so your hamstrings and calves kick in to help out. 2. Muscle imbalance. You’re in forward motion most of your
- Published in Body
Stretches for your Hips, Glutes and Lower Back
Saturday, July 14 2012
by Ali McWilliams
When we have more mobility in our hips we have greater function in our lower backs and knees, and who doesn’t want that!? Try these 4 stretches to increase the flexibility in your hips and to help prevent lower back and knee issues. 1. Lying leg cross over 2. Single leg cross over drop 3.
- Published in Body