Total Wellness is having a strong and healthy mind, body, and spirit, and it all beings with your MIND!
“It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you.“
Do you have a photo of yourself of when you “thought” you were fat and now you would LOVE to look like that? Hmmmm….what does that tell you? It tells me that our mind (thoughts) need to come along with us on our wellness journey. It tells me that having a thinner body isn’t enough! It tells me that the exterior is not enough. It tells me that the exterior only gives us short term happiness when what we all really long for is peace, joy, and contentment with ourselves and how we look. And, that comes from INSIDE! The MIND! OUR THOUGHTS! You are the gatekeeper. YOU ARE IN CONTROL. You get to choose what you allow into your mind.
Over the decades I have helped women lose their last 10 pounds up to over 200 pounds and for most of them, it was NOT ENOUGH. Yes, they are happier and physically healthier, but what they think about themselves was still there. The happiness fades because the external was all that changed.
None of us are immune from thinking toxic and negative thoughts. We all feel like we are not enough at some point in life. BUT, we have control over our thoughts. We are in the drivers seat. We get to choose!
Did you know that toxic thoughts trigger negative and anxious emotions, which causes the body stress?
Did you know that exercise causes the body stress?
Can you see why you might be having trouble losing weight if you are thinking negative thoughts, then doing intense workouts after your stressful day? Your gut is your second brain. What you think about shows up in your gut. If you’re having trouble digesting food, can’t eat half the food out there, suffer from IBS, etc. stop and reflect on what thoughts you’re having. Are you living in fear, stress, anxiety, denial or guilt?
What you think about expands and grows, it takes on a life of its own and it shows up in your body! Mayo Clinic has now proven that 92% of all diseases start with your thoughts, which create emotions that are then stored in your body. What are you storing that you need to kick out and get rid of?
What we put into our minds (thoughts) determines what comes out in our words and actions. If you think kind, loving, and peaceful thoughts, then your words and actions represent that. If you are filled with anger, bitterness, and resentment, then your words and actions represent that. Stop and think about how you talk to the people in your life. How do treat them? What’s in your heart comes out in words and actions. If you’re angry and miserable towards others, it’s because you’re angry and miserable inside. Think about how that affects your health? If you feel defeated, tired, or angry, can you see how your actions might be to pick up fast food, go home and sit on the couch, and watch tv the rest of the night. But if you are positive, kind, and happy, how you might drive your butt right to the gym after work, workout, go home and make something that is clean and balanced. What I’m trying to say is…TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR THOUGHTS so your emotions are positive which will lead to healthier actions. Not only will this give you a healthier and happier life, it will impact the well being of those around you.
What are your thoughts when you look in the mirror? Are they positive? Kind? Uplifting? Lovely? Beautiful? It’s time to STOP agreeing with something your mother, sister, aunt, or whomever said to you that was NOT true, kind, or positive. It’s time to leave that in the past so you can move forward to have a healthier and happier life.
We define our lives by every thought and word. If we want our lives to change, it all starts with what we think and say.
Your beliefs affect:
1. How you perceive yourself.
2. How you relate to others.
3. Your overall wellness.
4. Your destiny.
Here are 2 things you can start doing TODAY to change that stinkin’ thinkin’!
Start saying positive affirmations daily, out loud! Speak life, positivity, and strength over yourself. Place sticky notes on your bathroom mirror, in your car, on your computer, etc. Look at them! Say them! Feel them! Let them soak into your core! I am a firm believer of faking it until you make it. Over time you’ll believe it!
Celebrate your successes! We have successes all of the time, we just don’t focus on them. If you focus on where you’ve come from you’ll enjoy the journey more and find reaching your goals a bit more awesome. Your success can be anything: you drank more water, you got 8 hours of sleep, you ate clean, you said NO to something you wanted to say no to, you took time to breath and give thanks, you did push-ups when you woke up, you didn’t eat fast food, you didn’t allow yourself to be offended at work, you took time to have lunch with a friend, you worked out instead of staying late at work, etc. Celebrate even the smallest success! It’s the small steps that help us reach our goals and carry us through life.
My hope is that this has inspired you to take action. Being aware of what you’re allowing your mind to think about. Kicking out the negative and focusing on the good. Dwelling on the positive – that you’re ENOUGH, BEAUTIFUL, AND SMART! I can’t wait to hear what the side affects are of your new positive and healthier thoughts. 🙂
Who do you want to become? I want you to become the best version of YOU, being all that God desires you to be!
Shine Brightly,
P.S. Learn more about positive self-talk and get a list of positive affirmations today!