The human body requires magnesium intake every day. Sadly, our soil is NOT the same as it use to be. Even if you eat clean, you probably aren’t getting what your body needs. This is one supplement I take daily and believe is a MUST for most.
Our cells need magnesium to function. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heart beat steady, and helps bones remain strong. It also helps regulate blood glucose levels and aid in the production of energy and protein. Magnesium also stabilizes nerves and muscles, and promotes good bone health. Increasing your magnesium intake can also improve your metabolism.
The main reason I take magnesium daily is to help with PMS and hormonal imbalances. It has also helped me with muscle cramps and spasms, and constipation. I get my magnesium by drinking Calm, an anti-stress drink and by taking epson salt and baking soda baths. I drink the Natural flavored Calm, but use to drink the orange flavor like I mention in the below video clip. Flavored options: Organic Orange, Raspberry Lemon, and Organic Sweet Lemon. My McSmeetchie and I add a teaspoon to room temperature water, clink our glasses with a “cheers”, and that’s our beverage at night.
1. Stress
2. Inability to Sleep
3. Constipation
4. Low Energy / Fatigue / Weakness
5. Muscle Tension / Spasms / Cramps
6. Headaches
7. PMS and Hormonal Imbalances
8. Abnormal Heart Rhythms
9. High Blood Pressure
10. Weakening Bone
11. Nervous/Anxiety/Irritability
1. Drink Calm nightly
2. Bone broth
3. Ripe fruits
4. Fresh orange juice
5. High-quality chocolate (no soy lecithin) – This doesn’t mean you can eat as much chocolate as you want, but nice try! 🙂
6. Halibut
7. Epson salt and baking soda baths
Due to drinking Calm, my clients have had great success with less anxiety, falling asleep easier, having less muscle cramps, less PMS symptoms, and aren’t craving chocolate like they use during that time of the month.
Here’s a clip of me grocery shopping getting my Calm. You can click any of the Calm links and purchase it on-line or find it at natural food stores or vitamin stores.
Start with a half of a teaspoon daily and gradually increase to to two teaspoons per day as needed. Per Calm’s directions. For me one teaspoon a day is all I need. You’ll know when you’ve had too much when you have the opposite affect of constipation. 🙂 Take the #CalmChallenge and see what a difference it can make in your life.
I had to share this picture a client sent me drinking her Calm in her #AliFitness Mug.
Shine Brightly,
P.S. Visit my nutrition page for more of my favorite must haves.
Information for this blog was taken from Tracie Fountain, The Anti-Stress Drink – Calm, and various research studies on magnesium deficiency.